Belgian Association of Tax Lawyers
non-profit association, KBO nr. 0773.556.687
Avenue du Port, 86 C, box 419, 1000 Brussels
non-profit association, KBO nr. 0773.556.687
Avenue du Port, 86 C, box 419, 1000 Brussels
Dear BATL- members,
We gladly refer to our LinkedIn page and our twitter account through which we as BATL attempt to stay on track on contemporary tax issues.
For the Board of BATL
Gerd D. Goyvaerts
President of BATL
Arresten nrs. 1, 2, 3 en 4/2024 - Het Hof vernietigt aspecten van de federale, Franse Gemeenschaps-, Waalse en Brusselse wetgeving tot omzetting van de DAC 6-richtlijn over de meldingsplicht voor bepaalde grensoverschrijdende fiscale constructies
Arrêts nos 1, 2, 3 et 4/2024 - La Cour annule des aspects des législations fédérale, wallonne, bruxelloise et de la Communauté française transposant la directive DAC 6 sur l’obligation de déclaration de certains dispositifs fiscaux transfrontières
Aankomende deadline voor fiscale regularisatieaangiften bij EBAquater. Wat je moet weten.
✍️ Gerd D Goyvaerts, Céline Van houte, Elke De Leeuw, Stephanie Gabriel & Lize De Corte
#EBAquater #deadline #regularisatie
Met alle respect, maar dit is oneerlijke communicatie.
Het "achterpoortje", zogenaamd 'ontdekt' door "fiscale advocaten", sluit gewoon aan op de bedoeling van de wetgever.
Lees de memorie van toelichting (p. 65 en 71) !!
Echt zwak om dit zo in de markt te zetten.
On May 6th 2021, the deontological committee of the Flemish Bar Association decided that damages resulting from a wrong opinion on the obligation to report concerning a cross-border tax arrangement are covered by the insurance for professional damages.
The activities developed by a lawyer as an intermediary for DAC 6 rules are indeed done in that quality and are to be considered as an essential activity of that profession.
The NPA BATL is looking for Belgian lawyers, specialized in fiscal law, in order to join the association. Any one interested by the mission statement can become a member. More informations, including the subscription form, can be requested by email.