M. Martin Weijers’s contribution on DAC 6
NVAB BATL 202001023 Martijn WeijersM. Reinout de Boer’s contribution on the transposition of DAC 6 into Dutch law and the effects for Dutch tax practitioners
NVAB BATL 20200123 Reinout de BoerMadams Valérie Robbertz and Saskia Carstens’s contribution on the Dutch tax administration approach on implementing DAC 6
NVAB BATL 20200123 NL BelastingdienstM. Alain Claes’s contribution on transposing DAC 6 into Belgium law
NVAB BATL 20200123 Alain ClaesM. Werner Heyvaerts’s contribution on the effects for Belgian tax lawyers
NVAB BATL 20200123 Werner Heyvaert